Weeknote 06
What I’ve done this week
It’s been an eclectic week: more interviews, this time for our finance manager role. Then lots of time spent worrying about finances, and doing and re-doing budgets to make sure things really do add up. I am getting used to living with a constant mild anxiety about the fact we are paying people’s rent and mortgages now. How much would I love someone to swoop in and alleviate all our funding worries!
Still, that seems unlikely to happen, so I’ve had a few meetings with potential supporters, including two very exciting ones with consultancies wanting to offer some funding and some pro-bono expert support. I’m very much hoping something comes off there.
And then I put on my outward-facing smile on as we had some photos taken for potential media next week, and as I spoke at Mitzvah Day’s 10 year anniversary party as their selected charity.
What I’m learning
Two quick and easy lessons this week: (1) it’s best not to try and have three meetings simultaneously (what was I thinking?!) and (2) do not work with JustGiving if you want to keep your sanity in tact. Their tech sucks, and their charges and fees aren’t much better.
More seriously, it’s been a week of grappling with excel sheets. I’m struck by how big the gap is between how accountants treat money, and what I, as a leader, need to understand about our financial information. I’m pretty excited about having a finance manager who I hope will be able to bridge this gap.
What I’m celebrating
In the face of another pretty demanding week, it’s been a delight to have some downtime with a few of my favourite strong women, who I really like as well as admire. Tonic for the soul, courtesy of Eleanor Ford, Cassie Robinson., and Jenny North.
What I’m feeling
I’m actually fantasising about a long weekend away at somewhere like Gladstone Library. I’d spend day one clearing the decks, sorting out the to do list, then shutting down my email and walking on the beach. Days two and three would involve talking to no one, while I read and note down ideas in blissful, silent peace. By the end of the weekend I’d have a plan for what I want to research and write this year, alongside the main work I want to do take Little Village to a new level of impact and sustainability.
I know this stuff doesn’t directly keep Little Village’s doors open, but it’s essential for my own sense of self , and I believe it’s a pretty important part of ensuring our long-term goals, rather than our immediate operational challenges, guide our strategy.
So — anyone fancy helping Will out with the kids one weekend?!?
Who I’m working with
I had a lovely meeting with the always generous and super smart Tom Baker to talk about movement building and campaigning. I wanted his input on the thinking I’m doing around how we integrate advocacy into our volunteering work and family support. Lots of ideas to play with here.
And it’s a conversation that feels very relevant, given the amazing space that the JRF are creating for lots of us to align our campaigning activity through their #solveUKpoverty work (check out the conference they held this week, which annoyingly I couldn’t attend). In a similar vein I got together with Laura Payne from the 4 in 10 group, a London network of child poverty grassroots organisations. I’m pretty excited to be supporting their work to shape up a Challenge Poverty week in October this year.
Photo of the week